
How can I ever listen to that song again without tears streaming down my face? The song I am talking about is because of you by Kelly Clarkson. I always feel like i have to do things right and I have to be perfect, and that I can't dissapoint anybody because of the things people close to me have done. I always feel like I have to be careful because I don't want to end up like them. I hate dissapointing people, if i disapoint them then i feel it is all over and that I have to start again. The one phrase that keeps running through my head is "because of you I never stray to far from the sidewalk" I cant think of that without sobbing. And we dont have any tissues. I cant stand the thought of dissapointing someone....this is really hard for me to write, i don't want people to have to feel what I have felt. i think that I have only told one person that. I don't want to be the cause of someone elses pain. I cant stand the thought of hurting someome, let alone someone that I love. I need to go cry myself to sleep now. when will the pain others have caused me stop?