O my word. Superbowl was awesome. And I don't think I will ever go again. Ok, so maybe I am kidding but I totally wasted a day by sleeping from 7am till 3pm. I totally had evergy until we got to open gym. Then I couldn't do anything so I lost energy, IQ points, and my hightened senses were not so hightened. Chris took midol!!! O my word. that was so funny. VEGGIE TALES!! I*L*O*V*E*M*Y*L*I*P*S
I'll keep you my dirty little secret. SUPERBOWL ROCKS MY FREEZING TOES OFF!!
I did not like the preacher. All he could talk about is death. I felt he was just trying to scare kids into savation. Whenever he said, "The wages of sin is death" he didn't finish the verse. That made me mad. THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE. he didn't think about his audience when he was preaching. God isn't all hellfire and damnation. God is love. He gave his son so we would not have to burn in hell. He loves us and cares for us. The preacher guy did not have to talk about death so much.
good point. and no joke, i'm kind of scared to go to sleep. now that he told that story and said "you don't know if you'll wake up when you go to sleep after this." i seriously am scared of going to sleep. DLS. LML. Midol.
Awesome times were had in the "d lil secret" van! Dude... Chris and the midol topped off the night, well.. no the sumo thing rocked my face off... Corwin and James were funny. GOOD TIMES!
I like that you were so observant with the speaker! Your opinion is valid and I am glad you are confident enough to speak your mind on that particular topic!
btw... love u
i've been wondering this for a while.....what does 'btw' mean? 'but whatever'? i know, you all are probably saying "shun!."
i will neglect to shun you this time... ummm... it means...
By The Way =)
thanks kat...glad to know you'll forgive me. lol. :)
Lets do something cool this weekend.... ha ha ha... oh wait we are... yeah... hangin out! =)
my weekends (from wednesday on) are awesome....i hang with friends practically at least once a day. lol.
Are you guys having a conversation on my blog without me? *mumbles* the nerve of some folks
i thought she was talking to both of us, personally.
I love you both! (no favorites)
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