There was an air of finality in the air today. Palm Beach Atlantic University called and asked if I had any questions about them. I informed them that things had changed and that I was no longer interested. Later I threw out all the information I had on PBA, including the book of details of all the courses. It just felt so weird. For so long all I wanted was to go to PBA. Now that I have realized that God has other plans for me. I am not gonna go. It's just seems so....finalized. Ready or not, here I come.
On a lighter note, those pictures may not seem to go together to most of u, but, to 4 people (3 girls and a boy) they SO go together. My nickname is Cap'n Crunch, or just cap'n. 3 of my friends are smurf, rubber ducky, and stinky pinecone. U gotta love friends who go insane with you.
Ok so for me... they totally go together... they were all 80s things... I totally loved cap'n crunch... I had the coolest runner duckie (then one of my brothers destroyed it.. jerks)... smefs totally rocked my face off... and pine cones... common what kid hasn't eaten... i mean collected pine cones... lol
on a slightly serious note... I am sad that the place you always wanted to go is not where you feel GOD wants you... but I am so excited for you that you are more interested in whatever it is that God wants you to do... (proud of you)
Thanks Kat. Love you. Now what was that about eating pinecones? And if smurfs rocked ur face off, what are we looking at when we see you?
i used my other eyes for the smurfs...
and common act like little kids don't stick things in thier mouths all the time thinking its food
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