
So there is this girl, right, and when I first met her someone else told me that they hated her and that she was a pain in the butt. I think that altered my opinion. Instead of thinking of her first as a person her faults just stood out. So maybe I haven't been too nice. I started off just poking fun. Then I felt really bad as I should have. After that I was just playing around and every once in a while I would ask her if she was all right and if anything I was saying was bothering her. She would always say no. Just recently someone said something to a teacher that painted me in a bad light and totally made me feel like crap. The girl I have been writing about stood up for me after the fact. It was a hard thing for her to do because of the kind of person she is. She considers me a friend. She has no problem with me. That made me realize how stupid I have been. I have been looking at the surface only. I have not been a friend really. It is weird how people see you. I want to be a friend, I want to be supportive of her. I want to think WWJD.
I totally have gone through similar things... its even worse when you are the girl that someone treats different.... I was just reding my bible today and I came across a familiar passage... "love one another" and I thought about how many times we hurt eachother and well... if you read my blog you'll know I too have been convicted of certian actions lately! Love you Bethany! Part of growing is beign able to admit you were wrong!
missed you tonight =/
Thanks Kat. I feel loved. :D
I got home so late last night I slept till 10:30 today. And I have more babysitting to do. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Thank you for being transparent!! God loves humble people that see themselves how they really are and ask him fro help! I love ya and miss you too!! Blessings lil sis
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