Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas time

Sunday night, christmas eve, I sang a solo at my church. I had called my aunt earlier that day to see if she could come. She surprised me by showing up. I hadn't heard from her so I assumed she was not coming. I was looking at the words to my song and then all of a sudden i see her fiddling with the doors at my church. I was so excited, i like jumped her and gave her a hug! I was just so excited to see her, it had been almost a year since i had seen her last. Yeah so I greeted her and introduced her to my brother's girlfriend, and then the service had to start so I needed to get to the piano cuz i was playing for the service. I sang my solo, I wasn't to happy with it, but I am trying not to be so hard on myself as I usually am. After the service, I went over to my uncle don and aunt sharons house. My aunt sharon's family was there, twas a full house. I wsa the only one from my family to go, I wanted to be with the other part of my family. I didn't stay too late, i was coming down with something. On christmas day, my whole family went over. I hardly had any conversation with my aunt. I had been looking forward to seeing her, and we hardly did anything. But during the time i was there, i had taken off my high heals, so i was a tiny bit shorter than her, and I gave her a hug. We were standing there in the kitchen for probably 5 minutes just like that. I felt like a little girl. I was just stadning there with my head on my aunt's shoulder, and she was playing with my hair and rubbing my back. I didn't mind that she made me feel very small, It was kinda relaxing. Hardly anything was said. As loved as I felt, I still wished I could have had some sort of conversation with her. I'm kinda dissapointed about that. There isn't anything I can do about it. So christmas was interesting. I have a lot of thoughts on my mind now. Nothing that has much significance though....I must look like i am in need of hugs lately. On saturday i got hugged 4 times by the same person, and then one of my co-workers, who wasn't working at the time..gave me a hug. Then there was christmas...so yeah...hugs are cool. I feel loved.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry CHristmas! And, like, a happy and Wholly holy new year, because it all belongs to God anyway. --Sunday Guitar player, Faith Fellowship.

12:55 PM  

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