
I just got a call from someone I love very much. Am I taking advantage of the love we share for each other by loving him in a different way? We are close, but is it just that he thinks about me as part of a group? Is it possible to love someone so much, and for it not to go anywhere? Well, it is. There is so much love my heart is exploding. Ya know....sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself. I miss him. i love him. Even if it isn't a romantic love, I love him anyway. O and by the way, Kat, I am wearing your present.
dazzle, bee, dazzle. awesome party btw.....hey hey!!!!! lol.
Keep her present a dirty little secret. lol.
oh man... i so didn't need to know that... but i am glad you found a use for it... lol
and Urk is right... keep it a DLS!
Love is a tuff concept to understand sometimes that is why for the most part it is better to not try and understand love.
All the questions and all that may only lead to more confusion...
However love is something each of us have been blessed with so we should be thankful for that esp. around this time of year =)
i hope it clears up. i honestly don't have any advise since i've never been in that situation. i don't know what to say other than i'm sure it's not fun and that it must rot. :)
I weawy weawy wuv him...he loves me too. Just not the do
just curious- who is this heart throb?
like 2 people know, the number is not going up. And,....I think God has released me from these feelings
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