
How can I ever listen to that song again without tears streaming down my face? The song I am talking about is because of you by Kelly Clarkson. I always feel like i have to do things right and I have to be perfect, and that I can't dissapoint anybody because of the things people close to me have done. I always feel like I have to be careful because I don't want to end up like them. I hate dissapointing people, if i disapoint them then i feel it is all over and that I have to start again. The one phrase that keeps running through my head is "because of you I never stray to far from the sidewalk" I cant think of that without sobbing. And we dont have any tissues. I cant stand the thought of dissapointing someone....this is really hard for me to write, i don't want people to have to feel what I have felt. i think that I have only told one person that. I don't want to be the cause of someone elses pain. I cant stand the thought of hurting someome, let alone someone that I love. I need to go cry myself to sleep now. when will the pain others have caused me stop?
Thank you! You are so loving and open and honest and that amazes me about you! I know the pain you feel when you listen to this song... I feel it too.... I think that is why it has taken on such a personal meaning for me. Well... now that the tears have yet again clouded my eyes I must get going... I love you!
Songs seem to be something of somewhat of a challenge lately so try this one out:
I have always wanted to be somebody who is great
To be great in, great in your eyes, is my dream
To be the one who makes you smile is everything
To love my enemies
To serve others until I become the least
To be great in, great in your eyes, is my dream
To be the one who makes you smile is everything
Greatness in this world is different
than greatness in your eyes
To be great in, great in your eyes, is my dream
To be the one who makes you smile is everything
To be genuine in my love for others
and for you is to be great
(I believe it is called Great by 10 Shekel Shirt)
Keep in mind that no matter what you do... greatness is different in God's eyes than in the eyes of anyone else and no matter what we do He is the only one we should desire to please! =)
I love you!
i don't even know where to start... i know i haven't been there for you in a long... long long time. i just thought you should know, you don't need to be afraid of disappointing anyone, bee yourself, and let other people do what they must. just whatever you do, make sure you don't let God down; after that, nothing else really matters.
Bee.... I love ya. Just today I told someone that out of our pain comes God breaking us (breaking something in us)...You know the parts that we usually don't realize that needs to be broken because it's the thing that keeps us from him. Pain can give oppurtunity to peeling away the scales of life lived without God. Think deep and realize that there is a part of us that says, "God, I got this one" oooooo dangerous to ever say that. Most times we don't realize that until pain comes and breaks something. SO if God allows you to be hurt or even someone else around you, of course if you've done something wrong , make it right BUT there are times when you might hurt someone and not even know it BUT God can use it for good....maybe even breaking..... I love ya again
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