Monday, September 18, 2006
I quit my job tonight. My last day is the 30th of September. I was happy there on some days, depending on who else was working. They had just changed the schedule so that i would be working under 20 hours a week. I can't do that so I would need to get an additional job. At work, they would not give me a set schedule. Without that, I would not be able to get an additional job. I don't mind leaving the job. It was a month of retail experience. And I got to see the way the world runs things. It was a difficult place to work sometimes. I do want to leave with grace and dignity....I don't want to leave on a bad note...that is never a good thing.
Friday, September 01, 2006
She has opened up to me. You have no idea who i am talking about, but i am trying to write so you don't know who it is....of course, no one who reads this blog knows her....anyways..When we are together, i guess i am pretty much an open book, and she knows a lot about me, i have realized that I don't know a lot about her, a lot of the things i learn about her, i learn by putting puzzle pieces together throughout our conversations. I didn't know if she had a kid of her own or not...she does, and i only knew that bcuz he spent the day with us, I knew she had a step-son, but i didn't even see him for the first time until today. She doesn't really talk about things, but she kinda alludes to them. With us, i think she tries to keep things semi professional, meaning, we will have laughs, but personal specific information, is not brought up. Today we were talking about her shoes, to start off a story about shoes, she said-well, when i was going through chemo and radiation....I stopped her right there. I had never known she was sick, and I think that kind of explains a few things. She also brought it up later in the day bcuz we were talking about choosing what kind of a day u r going to have, and she was saying that she had learned that life is precious. I really felt like she opened up to me, it is so strange, it just makes me smile. She isn't a Christian. I think God put us in each others lives for a reason, I would love to be able to minister to her and lead her to Christ. I have a real burden on my heart for her. I am just not sure how to go about it.