Anyone have money for me?

This is the best slogan ever for our little DLS crew. Yay us... Melissa G. Helen, Jessica, Urkel, Kat, and me. This is the slogan.....r u ready? "Nobody Better Lay a Finger on my DLS." Yay us. That is such an awesome slogan for us. Should I get serious? Ok. I have a decision to make. I don't have to make it write now, but it involves people I love. I need to talk to the specific person in person, so that she can understand the way things are for me. I wish I had money so I can travel the distance so that I may talk with this person. No matter what decision I make, it will hurt someone, and I can't stand hurting people. Why do things so great, have to be ruined by decisions that I have to make? I need money and time so that I may be able to talk to this person. No one can make this decision for me. With all these people affected, I am the only one who has to make decisions like this. Why do I have to be so nice? Why do I have to love people that hurt me? Thank you. To the ones who read this, that know and love me, and have not yet hurt me.
I listened to an old lady with altztimers today while she spoke ever so gentely and she said something like this.... 'you only get to do this once, you only get one shot at life, so you mine as well enjoy it!' most people were just kinda like ok you crazy old bat... but for some reason that spooke volumes to me... for what it is worth i think it can take on a lot for you too..
I just want you to know... I love you and I am so excited watching you grow into a great person... =)
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sorry, bee that you're going through a tough time. : (
dude, that alpha person commented on the youth blog too. i guessed he was prevey but it wasn't him. : \
lo siento, pero no sabi.
sorry, but i didn't know [at the time].
(my bad.)
love you
dude, bee, that abortion bulletin you made is SSSSOOOOO sad!!!! wow....oh my goodness.
bee, just read your 'because of you' post. sorry about that stuff. that must be really hard. that seems like it sounds like something really stupid to say but : \.
just remember that if you mess with the best, you'll die like the rest. : )
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