Bounce Back

I so Love how no one is commenting on my post. Sometimes it is hard to be the "good" girl, parts of me just want to throw that away sometimes. i will have people say to me " O i am so proud of you." Well, if they knew what I have done, they would not be. These past few days I have really felt myself slipping, and u know what?...I kept thinking maybe it wasn't so bad living a secular life. I know, I know, i should be shot. I have been really stupid, and I am not proud of all. Beckie said something encouraging today, so that is aiding the healing process. Tonight I was going through songs to see if they were high so they could challenge me, anyways, when Bounce Back by Stacie Orrico started playing, I just dropped down on my bed. The words sooo spoke to me. "It blew my mind into a thousand pieces, pushed You aside and still You got my back, Chapter One page One, This is the part where I got weak, fell in too deep, Every day and night got cought up in the hype, Started getting rough but, Cause You showed me love, I'm gonna, Bounce bouce back, shake it off get right on track, I'm moving on gotta put it in the past, bounce bounce back, snap my fingers just like that, I let it go gotta let it fade to black, Like a river cry all my tears, I have to swim through it, dry it off i'm outta here, bounce bounce back, Shake it off! I'm right on track, I'll be moving on...." No matter what I do. No matter where I go. God has still got my back ( yeah i am getting all ghetto on ur hiney) anywho, the "healing process" isnt over, but I will get there, with some perseverance.
beth,I'll be honest sometimes i feel like giving up on the christian living too. But then I remember what it was like to live in darkness and make all the stupid mistakes I made (some you don't know about, alot you don't know about. It's tough because it's easyer to quit and give up then to persevere through the difficulties. But in the dessert times, the times when we feel like the world is falling on us, the time we feel anlone and noone is there for us is the time when we grow in Christ the most. Bethany I want you to look up James 1:2-4 but don't just read it, think it through. I don't know if the situation at scholl has gotten better or even if you feel the way I just mentioned, But God loves you and won't put you in something you can't handle. I want you to know i lobve you and miss you ALOT. If you want to talk email, or call me or talk to someone you can trustin R.I. Even though I'm 300 miles away I'm still there for you. Love, Ben
hey girl,thats it.just dont give up.all things happen for good for those who love the are gonna come out alot stronger.God was with you the whole time even when u felt He wasnt there.i'll keep you in prayer you lots.take care
Ok I know all this seems hard now but just think what you are getting out of it...a life with god in heaven... I think that some times it gets hard to see how beautiful and amazing you truly are, when the world is all about what your not and what you don’t have instead of what god gave you and how far he’s brought you…..Bee hold on because once you lose that and start to fall out it is the hardest thing to get back in to…..It seems that god not only puts us threw test in just life but with our self’s to, in the way’s we think and way’s we think of our self... But I know you are strong and have helped me in more ways then you know.. I you can get threw this I know you can, just don’t lose site of your first love Jesus... I look up to you in a lot of ways, if anyone can get threw it it’s you... I am always hear for you babe...
love you... you're awesome
the title of your blog made me think of a movie quote... "you've just gotta bounce" and then I read a little further and realized you were basically talking about the same thing as the quote... well... kind of... well.. maybe a little.. well.. anyway the quote applies.... Sometimes life rolls at us and we get frustrated because we would like to be able to handle certian things in certain ways but we can't because well.. because we have made another choice a "better" choice... the choice to follow and not lead our lives as we had in the past... and this choice we've made is a great choice and the best one to make and yet sometimes the most dificult to be ok with... like when it would be so much easier to walk away from people who you are tired of trying to love and seemingly not making a differance but you know in your heart that you have to or at least should stick it out... if that makes any kind of sense (if i spelt that wrong I blame Urkel)..... anyway... stick with it and as much as it might suck... you're gonna make it!
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